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Art Law, Copyrights Law, Intellectual Law

Russian Attorneys at Private International Law. Interregional Attorney's Collegium of Moscow.    We serve foreign citizens in Russia! Please call us at +7 (915) 009-1000

Art Law Practice of Interregional Attorney’s Collegium of Moscow specializes in Art Law as one of the very knowledgeable Art Law Practice in Russia. Our attorneys are the experts in the legal aspects of The Art authentication issues.

We serve Art Experts, including art dealers & art auctioneers, authors & owners of catalogues Raisonnés, museum professionals, and others who make decisions about the authenticity of visual art to avoid and prevent legal claims over their decisions and certifications.

As example, our art clients use the term opinion because that is their judgment, evaluation, expert data, based upon an interpretation of existing facts which they have reviewed, collected and analyzed, and to which they have applied their professional learning and experience.

Thus, the statement of the expert says: “In my opinion, the artwork is or is not by Malevich,” sounds like a thought, that if it turns out to be incorrect, to result in legal consequences different from those resulting from the statement “The work is or is not by Malevich.” Most of our art clients think that it provides the legal protection for them.

We strongly recommend being advised by our professionals before taking any steps in providing any art expertise.


Зеленый проспект, д. 3/10,с.15
+7 495 234-39-91
График работы:
ПН-ЧТ с 10.00 до 18.00
Пятница с 10.00 до 17.00
  • Реквизиты

    Банковские реквизиты

    ПАО «Сбербанк России» г. Москва
    Московский банк Сбербанка России г.Москвы
    Р/с 40703810238120101712
    БИК 044525225
    К/с 30101810400000000225
    ОГРН 1057746500360
    ИНН 7718542330
    КПП 771801001
    ОКПО 76462832
    ОКОГУ 49013
    ОКФС 16
    ОКВЭД 74.11
    ОКАТО 45263594000
    ОКОПФ 89